Oriental Tours Canada – Vietnam Travel Agency Toronto

222 Spadina Ave. Unit C7 Toronto, ON M5T 3B3, Canada

(416) 596-8226 / (467) 347-8227 / +1 647-881-3389

Mon - Fri : 11 am - 6 pm
Sat: 11 am - 4 pm

Oriental Tours Canada – Vietnamese Travel Agency in Chinatown Toronto

Oriental Tours Canada is a Vietnamese travel agency based in Hanoi – VIETNAM and branch office in Toronto – Canada. Providing organized and tailor-made tours, hotel reservations, airline and transport booking service and personalized transporting services.

Office Locations :

Oriental Tours (Canada)
Chinatown Centre
222 Spadina Avenue, Unit C7 Toronto,
Tel: +1 (416) 596-8226 / (467) 347-8227
Email : info[at]orientaltours.ca
[at] = @
Website: www.orientaltours.ca

Oriental Tours (Vietnam)
19th Floor, Viwaseen Office Tower,
48 To Huu str., Hanoi – VIETNAM
Tel: + 84.243.628-1988 / +84.243.628-1989
Email : info[at]orientaltours.vn
[at] = @
Website: www.orientaltours.vn

Home Tourism and Hospitality Tour Operator in Toronto

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